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0428 497 228


Level 33, 385 Bourke Street Melbourne VIC 3930

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Equal Opportunity

Equal opportunity is a complex area of law, it is often perception or opinion based.  Equal opportunity is a developing area of law. 

As an employer most of your dealings and interaction you may have with employees, will involve equal opportunity.

Risks concerning equal opportunity may include:

  • discrimination,
  • bullying,
  • reasonable adjustments,
  • harassment and sexual harassment

Equal opportunity claims and allegations are gaining traction during disciplinary processes and workers compensation claims.

Equal opportunity also has obligations on employers with the management of non work related injuries, disabilities and restrictions of capacity.

Occupational Health and Safety

Salt Legal has extensive expertise in safety from oil and gas, mining, construction, health, education, childcare, aged care, corporate, local and state government and manufacturing.

Salt Legal can assist with:

  • Plans for tenders and projects.
  • Mitigation and or resolution of PIN’s.
  • Incident investigations.
  • Assisting with disputes involving OHS.
  • Risk Assessments.
  • Safe Work Method Statements.
  • Work-safe Management.
  • negligence
  • litigation
  • Duty of care.

Salt Legal can advise and represent you, in relation to litigation involving OHS breaches or incidents and or accidents within the workplace.


Salt Legal can assist with all your safety matters.