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Contractors v Employees

Posted By Brett Pomroy  
10:00 AM

At Salt Legal we have seen an increase in the number of clients seeking advice and assistance in relation to contractors they have performing tasks for them, and questions being raised as to the potential these contractors may in fact be employees.

There has been much discussion in this space recently, with changes to the definition of what a contractor is and employers being held liable for back payments and other penalties when they get it wrong.

There is a clear indication that the recent changes have been introduced with a view of trying to reduce the number of contractors in most sectors, with an increase of these disputes in the Fair Work Commission and Federal Court.

With this in mind, it might be a great time for all employers who currently engage contractors to review this engagement and compare to the changes we are seeing being implemented.

If you would like to discuss these changes or have general questions regarding employment law, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Salt Legal is an Employment Law Firm based in Melbourne.  We provide legal advice and representation to businesses across all sectors and industries in all areas of employment law, OHS and workers compensation.

Please contact Salt Legal on the following;

P:  0428497228

